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Is pet grief real?

Updated: Jul 25

A brown dog standing with its tongue sticking out

Is pet grief any different to that experienced when a person dies? Many of my clients report that they were told to ‘Get over it! It was only a pet’ by family and friends, but I can assure you their grief was as deep and real as it would be for any human being 😢. To them it wasn't just a pet, it was someone they loved and cared for and were loved unconditionally in return. How many of us get that from a fellow being?

I think the relationship between pets and their owners is fascinating, but I can't help wondering if some love their pets more than their fellow earthlings 🤔. I have met several people who would testify to this. One acquaintance who had been in intensive care after suffering a life-threatening illness, said that on regaining consciousness wanted to see the family dog first. Forget her husband and children, it was the pet first 🐶🥇. 

Perhaps this seems shocking to many but is it really a surprise given that a pet doesn’t criticise your choice of clothes/partner/bad habits, shame you, or answer back? They love you unreservedly ❤️- no wonder we are a nation of pet lovers. Ok, so pets have their limitations; they can't stack the dishwasher, do the cleaning and shopping but that's ok, because we know they would if they could.

As a child I adored our family cat Spook . I would come home from school and tell her my woes (I had a ton to offload as I hated school). She was an ace listener, didn’t offer any advice or opinion and that was probably the magic ingredient as to what made her special. So, she became my worry-catcher and I always felt soothed and loved by her.

Interestingly, pets can also be what I refer to as the ‘glue’ in relationships. They can serve as a shared focus and I have seen marriages flounder after the death of a beloved pet. Some clients have also knowingly stayed in unhappy relationships because they were worried about who would get custody of the family pet.

There's a lot to be said about the health benefits that pet ownership offers - ranging from reducing anxiety and stress to  boosting mood. They also provide companionship, comfort and a valuable structure and routine to daily life.

So putting these elements together it shouldn't be a surprise that pet grief is as real as any other bereavement 💔. 

If you are struggling or feel stuck after the loss of your pet or a loved one and think that I may be able to help you then please get in touch  via my website or email me at 

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